Sugai Yuuka and Shida Manaka: The Miracle that Combines Oil and Water - BRODY Interview

It would be a waste if you overlook it! “Friendship of Cat and Horse”, the most unlikely combination in the group!

BRODY editorial have given it a thought for a long time about which members form the strongest combination in Keyakizaka46. There has to be a dream combination somewhere, and finally we realized it. When we combined these 2 girls, infinite possibilities occurred! These 2 girls, one with a horse-like seriousness to her and the other a cat-like unpredictability, have shown us an unexpected chemical reaction.
- : Interviewer
Y : Sugai Yuuka
M : Shida Manaka
Two girls that admire one another while standing on opposite ends
- Shida-san, which member do people often pair you up with?
M: At first, a lot of fans paired me with Risa, but after the MV for “Hiraishin” was released, I heard a lot of “TechiPippi”.
- I see, A Hirate-san and Shida-san pairing! It does exist. How about Sugai-san?
Y: A lot of fans pair me with Habu-chan.
- No wonder. But, above all that, I strongly believe that this combination is actually quite strong.
Y: Is that so?
M: It’s quite new for me.
- Honestly, I actually think both of you as hidden treasures with potential in becoming Keyakizaka46’s strongest combination. I don’t think people really know about your relationship, therefore, today I want to dig it up. First things first, do you still remember your first impressions of each other?
Y: At first… I thought she was a quiet girl, she’s really beautiful.
- How about you, Shida-san?
M: I’v been asked this question quite often… I didn’t have any impression of everyone.
- It’s not just about Sugai-san? (laughs)
M: However, my impression of her is… that she really does love horses. I thought it was a made-up character at first, but she keeps saying it, she also has a lot of horse-related things, recently I realized that she really loves it.
Y: So you just realized it (laughs).
- Do people rarely mention about this combination? For example, you were once paired in a scene of “Futari Saison” MV.
Y: People mention it sometimes.
M: Isn’t it really rare?
Y: That’s true. Manaka is really the opposite of me. How should I put it… she always exceeds my expectation, she is really interesting.
M: Hahahahaha!
- Just like that laughter just now? (laughs)
M: Yuuka is so funny! The way she said “How should I put it” is really like the “Makeover! Dramatic Before and After” television show (laughs).
- You laughed with a unique tone (laughs). Let’s get back to the topic, Sugai-san said it earlier, that both of you are opposites and are different from one another. Your environments while growing up, friends, stuff you like, music you listen to, I think everything is totally different. Apparently you can’t even read each other’s thoughts.
Y: I can’t read her at all!
- What do you think, Shida-san? Do you think she is the opposite of you?
M: Yes, I do. But, I’m jealous of her at the same time. She can do everything properly.
- I see (laughs).
M: Before the start of every concert, she always writes down the things she wants to say on the MC session, I think she is amazing. I rarely allocate time to do such a thing after all.
- No no no, let’s allocate some time! (laughs)
M: I imagine that Yuuka always does that at home as well, I think she is really amazing.
- Sugai-san, which parts of you do you think is the opposite of her?
Y: From my perspective, I am really jealous of her. She is good at dealing with things, she is the kind of person I have never met before, I want to know more about her.
M: Fufufufufu, it made me laugh.
Y: I always think “People will never get bored of looking at her.”
- Kind of person that you’d never involve yourself with?
Y: There are many kinds of people that I have never met in Keyaki, however, above all that, I have never met someone like her before.
M: Yeah, I’m really weird.
- If we were to decide which one is weirder, I think it will be quite a good battle.
Y: It can’t be!?
- It is true that Shida-san has unique character, but Sugai-san is considerably weird as well.
M: Yeah, you’re weird.
Y: The fact that I‘m far too ordinary really bothers me though (bitter smile).
- Well, you are really different, is there anything you hate about each other?
Y: Not at all.
M: Huh, it can’t be!?
- I am surprised! Do you hate her, Shida-san? (laughs)
M: No, I don’t hate her. During concerts, there were times where I wanted to do something different than what was planned at that time, which surprised Yuuka and the other members. “Huh?”.
Y: Aahh, it occurred during the tour.
M: Yeah, I showed my frustration often back then. There was a time when Yuuka probably got annoyed. I was really annoyed as well. I was aware of it.
Y: It’s really unforgettable, it was during “Aozora to MARRY” performance (laughs).
M: Hahahahaha!
Y: There was a part where the audience did the wave, at that time, her face was so serious. when I said “Let’s liven things up more!”, she said “I don’t want to laugh and lie to myself” (laughs).
M: Ahahahahaha! I remember it!
- So you’re in that kind of mood at that time.
M: Yes, somehow I was really annoyed at that time. I’m the kind of person that sometimes acts without thinking.
- I thought so. I can feel it when I see you.
M: However, It turned out that I was being too rude towards her, I was like “No, it shouldn’t have been like that!”. I want to apologize for saying that.
- How was your response after she said that, Sugai-san?
Y: “Ah, aahh… so that was it” (laughs).
M: Something like that happens frequently in “AoMarry”. But, it’s just between me and Yuuka.
- It’s surprising. Moriya-san never said something like that?
M: Akanen only reacted to what we said, but she never suggested anything. In truth, “AoMarry” members quarrel frequently (laughs).
Y: However, it’s something that we can laugh at, so it’s totally fine (laughs).
- Laughing at something like that, and then forgiving it, it’s the best relationship. I think Shida-san can do what Sugai-san can’t do, at the same time, Sugai-san can do what Shida-san can’t do. Also, you even mention that you want to live by doing what Shida-san does. For me, it’s just like cat and horse.
Y: No, it’s different (laughs). It’s more like cats and dogs though.
- Shida-san is totally unpredictable just like a cat, while the main image of Sugai-san is a girl with dedication just like a horse. What do you think about that?
M: I think someone like Yuuka would easily go through the concerts, if we didn’t have someone like her, it might be an impossible task for us.
- It means you can accept her despite her different train of thought..
M: Yes.
- How about you, Sugai-san?
Y: I think about it sometimes, I think I’m just the kind of person that tries to fit myself in with the people around me, I probably do just what people around me say. “Do I not have my own desires?”, sometimes I even doubt myself. I think someone like Manaka, who can be herself all the time, is pretty strong, it’s amazing for her to frankly say what she wants to do. Even in this small group, there are so many different personalities, on top of that, there is a kind of person who is exactly the opposite of me. On the contrary, I think it might be her strength. People would see her as interesting person.
- Do you somehow admire Shida-san?
Y: Somehow I do. Manaka is cheerful, how should I put it…
M: Hahahahaha! You said it again! (laughs)
Y: Stop it (laughs). When we’re in the dressing room, she is always surrounded by a lot of members, she makes them laugh with her many expressions, she is really popular among us.
- Do you admire her as well, Shida-san?
M: Yes, I do.
Y: Really?
M: Yep (laughs). I have this kind of personality by nature, so If I have a personality like Yuuka, it seems like I can do everything much easier. If it’s possible, I, too, would want to live like her.
- You want to live like Sugai-san?
M: Isn’t it amazing? She sacrifices her own desires and respects opinions from the people around her, I think it’s amazing. I can‘t even do that. Moreover, she is our captain, she is someone who we can rely on. Even if I was chosen as captain, I will never do that.
The melancholia of a compassionate girl, Shida Manaka
- As expected, if we compare two people with opposite personalities, their personalities will stand out from each other. However, why do you have such a good relationship? You talk and laugh at each other during the photoshoot session. I think it’s quite strange.
Y: But, we aren’t usually like that…
M: We don’t talk to each other.
- How can you communicate so well to a point where I don’t realise you two don’t talk much?
Y: We did laugh too much today after all.
M: Hey, isn’t the atmosphere of the photoshoot that makes it interesting? If we try to look objectively, isn’t he interesting? Look at his exaggerated expression, don’t you agree?
- Ah,You talked about me?
M: Yes. You got funny from the middle of the photoshoot onwards.
- It can’t be. We’ve already worked together in a ton of photoshoot sessions, why would you laugh at me all of a sudden? (laughs) By the way, you visited Disneyland together with 5 or 6 members around summer, didn’t you?
M: We did!
- For us, that member composition was very strange.
Y: Fufufufufu.
M: But, I was on the side who got invited, right?
Y: Is that so? Wasn’t it you that invited me “Wanna join us?”?
M: When did we go there again?
Y: After Odaiba’s TIF.
M: That’s right. I was the one who invited you “Let’s hang out!”, then Fuuchan started saying “How about going to Suipara?”. But, Kyoko couldn’t join us at first.
Y: Kyoko-chan was in the same car with us by chance when we approached her, she said ”Well, I think I’ll join”.
M: And then, Suzumoto started saying “I wanna go to Disneyland!”. Right before that, we wanted to see fireworks. Anyway, it really feels like “whoever has free time, let’s hang out”.
Y: That’s right.
- That composition is, if anything, almost the same to the composition of “Mona Kingdom” which Shida-san is the center. I was very surprised Sugai-san was among them.
Y: It was really fun. Deep down in my heart, I was really happy because I was going with members different than the usual. But we talked about it, right? “Aren’t these members rarely together?”.
M: Yeah. “Why these members?”, something like that but it’s really fun.
Y: It wasn’t boring at all, it was fun.
M: But, usually it’s difficult to invite you.
Y: Eh?
M: We’re not a match for each other, I think you would be tired being together with me. I worry about that.
- Aahh, “Is Yuuka having fun right now?”, you think something like that?
M: Yes. Moreover, if I don’t tell her, I don’t think it’s fair for her. But, turns out she was having fun.
Y: Yeah.
- For example, Shida-san is having fun with members that’s always together with you, therefore, there must be a common joke among you. If it turns out Sugai-san doesn’t understand that joke, you will think “Is Yuuka not having fun when I’m talking about this?”.
Y: Somewhat I understood it. I’m probably difficult to talk to (laughs). What is it…
M: Hahahaha! Here it comes, her “what is it”!
Y: I probably have a stiff personality, because I say something like that so often.
M: That’s it!
Y: I didn’t do that on purpose, but lately I realized “Probably I am person with a stiff personality”.
- It took you too long to realize it! (laughs)
M: She is a serious person, it makes me wonder if it’s alright to invite her. Moreover, if it’s at night.
- Even at night… (laughs).
Y: Hey, the one who’s older here is me (laughs).
M: But, I wonder whether it’s alright to invite you.
Y: It’s totally fine though…
- By the way, those members were…
Y: Kyoko, Aoi-chan, Suzumon,…
M: Fuuchan, me, and Yuuka.
- What a composition. In an idol group, it is often said that the more members it has, the more factions it will have. When I saw that photo of you, it made me think that Keyakizaka46 isn’t the case.
Y: It’s also a good thing that Kyoko was there.
M: I like Kyoko so much. She once sent me a LINE message at 3 AM, “Can you please buy something for me in Animal Crossing flea market?”
- What was that about?
M: “Animal Crossing” is really popular, isn’t it? It has flea markets there, and apparently she didn’t have any money. If I bought the fishes she sells, she could raise some money, she sent me a message about that at 3 AM, but I didn’t give a damn about it (laughs).
Y: Oh wow, you’re really close.
M: I often ignore her LINE.
Y: So you’re already that close. Manaka is good at communicating with people after all.
M: It depends on the person. I will never communicate with the person I hate! (laughs)
- Next, I have a feeling that Sugai-san probably likes the type of guy similar to Shida-san, what do you think? Do you like people who live freely like Shida-san?
M: I’m probably a playboy (laughs).
Y: I hate playboys (laughs).
M: Who do you like in “KEYABINGO!”? (there was a segment where some members dressed up as boys and then the other members voted which one of them they would want as a boyfriend)
Y: Absolutely not Manaka. She looks like a playboy. (laughs) I prefer Habu-chan or Sebastian.
- Aahh, Oda-san. You have good taste (laughs). How about you, Shida-san?
M: I’m fine with someone passive. Also, I like a person who’s admired by fellow girls.
- It means you also have different types in the person you like.
Y: We’re probably different in every aspect.
M: I will never wear Yuuka’s clothes. I think she will never wear my clothes as well.
Y: That’s true.
- How about music?
M: What kind of music do you listen to?
Y: I’ve never been like “I like this musician!”, I only listen to music that’s popular at a certain time.
- Do you listen to Shida-san’s favourite band ONE OK ROCK, Sugai-san?
Y: Not really. I listen to YUI, KANA-BOON, and RADWIMPS.
- How about comic book, Sugai-san? You once said that you like “Full Metal Alchemist”.
Y: I don’t read much titles other than that. What I like the most are “Attack on Titan”, and “Ace of Diamond”.
- Do you like shonen comic?
Y: I prefer sports genre than heartwarming stories, I also like dark-theme stories.
- What kind of genre do you like, Shida-san?
M: I’m really into “Ajin” right now. To be honest, I don’t really like that kind of genre. When I read it, I can feel its dark atmosphere. What if it does exist in the real world? It makes me anxious. Even in normal situations like this, I’m thinking “What if terrorists come to this place.”
Y: What if a zombie appears when we close the elevator’s door, something like that?
M: Yes, yes! It’s really scary.
- Hearing that conversation, it confirms my “Shida Manaka is most adorable member” theory.
M: Stop that! Stop that!
- I think you are a person that is adorable in every single aspect.
Y: That’s true! The way she doesn’t admit it is also adorable.
- She has a bunch of adorable points.
Y: She probably looks really cool, but she’s not cool at all.
M: Eeehhh! I want to cry! (laughs)
- I heard Shida-san is someone who feels empathy easily, she is also weak toward elders.
M: It’s unbearable…
- What do you mean?
M: In “Japan Record Awards”, the one who guided us was an old man. I thought this year might be his last year. Then, “This person probably has worked on “Record Awards” since a long time ago. If so, is today gonna be his last day working here? I wonder what kind of feelings he has right now?” I couldn’t help thinking that. Even if I’m only meeting him on his last day, I still had to thank him, I told him “thank you very much” from the bottom of my heart. If I couldn’t make eye contact and greet him, ah it’s over… I would think that way.
- That’s very kind of you. That’s impossible he had worked on that program for 50 years… I don’t know the truth though.
M: But, it can’t be helped, right? Also, I’m weak towards old men with soft ice cream.
- What’s up with that maniac situation!
M: I once saw an old man that bought 2 soft ice creams at shopping mall. He probably bought his wife’s ice cream, but what if in the middle of bringing it to his wife, he got involved with a dangerous guy.
- Your paranoia is really strong (laughs).
M: If I think that way, my brain won’t be able process it. For example, there was a time when I thought “How can I save all the elders in this world?”, then my head went blank… Yone even said “Are you alright?”, I made her worry.
- Even if it’s impossible, you still want to save them.
M: I want to save them! But, I can’t always be together with them. There are so many old men in this world after all.
- You can’t protect all of them (laughs).
M: When I think of it, it hurts me…
- So that is it. Being able to understand people’s feeling is evidence of how kind you are!
Y: It’s really amazing!
M: That’s why it tires me out (bitter smile). Particularly when I hang out in Shibuya, it’s very tiring.
- I don’t think there is any old man in Shibuya…
M: That’s why I feel tired when there is one! “What is that old man doing here?!”
- Since there are so many young people there, it looks like he is being surrounded (laughs).
A proposal of intercultural exchange for the troubled Yukka
- Sugai-san, have you ever read “ONE PIECE”?
Y: I’ve never read it. I want to read it though.
- I think Sugai-san and Shida-san are similar to the marines and pirates in “ONE PIECE”.
M: Indeed! But she looks so weak, she is Coby.
Y: Eeh!? Who is that? I have to read it.
- Luffy and his comrades in the Strawhat Pirates are a gang of pirates, they’re supposed to be the villains, but they are the heroes. I think it’s really similar to Shida-san. I think people will easily misunderstand you. You may look like those pirates, but you’re actually very kind. Luffy also feels empathy with people easily, he cries together with them.
Y: That’s a good thing. I think our staff don’t really trust me, but Manaka really gets along with them, I think somehow they like her more than me.
M: No, that’s not true (laughs). It only happens outside of the workplace. Nobody is more reliable at work than Yuuka!
Y: Doesn’t it mean that I’m a very strict person? (bitter smile) It makes me sad… It’s not like I want to appeal that I’m working very hard, somehow I feel so empty…
- I understand your bitterness.
M: I probably understand it!
- No way you would understand that (laughs). Even at school, the one who gets along with teacher is usually a delinquent student, isn’t it?
Y: It’s often said delinquent student that goes through rehabilitation is most liked by the teacher.
M: Reha-bili-tation? What does it mean?
- However, I think Sugai-san is the one who protects this group. For example, if Hirate-san and Shida-san are members who carry the offensive role of conveying this group’s color to the world, then Sugai-san is the member who carries the  important role of protecting the image of a classic idol figure and Sakamichi Series. It just means Keyakizaka46 consists of such a balance, doesn’t it?
Y: I see… hearing it gives me a little confidence (bitter smile).
M: Cheer up!
- That’s why, not everyone can be like Shida-san, and not everyone can be like Sugai-san.
M: Fufufufu! Everyone is Shida… If everyone has my face, it would be interesting (laughs).
- You don’t have to take this analogy so literally (laughs). Even so, if you can show elements that complete one another, it would be a great momentum for both of you. Sugai-san, how about it? Do you feel assured?
Y: Surprisingly, it’s really not bad. I can say my thoughts without hiding anything, it feels so good.
- One more thing, there is one person in this group, who possesses the elements of these two…
M: Akane?
- You know it so well.
M: I once thought about it when we were on the tour. She stood in between us, “I think this is better this way, but this is also better this way”, she said something along those lines, I thought that she was amazing. That’s why she is our vice-captain.
Y: It’s really… great choice… right…
- Hey, you’re feeling down again! My bad! However, If Sugai-san gives an okay, I want to continue this corner regularly.
M: Seems like it can strengthen your mentality, right?
- You said something aggressive again (laughs). Next, I want the both of you to experience each other’s cultures, does it seem interesting? Will you do this intercultural exchange corner?
M: Ah, I will! I want to experience Yuuka’s life for a day!
- Well then, Shida-san will be Sugai Yuuka for a day, and Sugai-san will be Shida Manaka for a day.
Y: I want to do it! I want to know what Manaka does everyday.
M: It’s bad, you know. At night, I sleep with my window open. I hate using the heater.
- Your choice of “bad” is way too normal (laughs).
Y: I also want to wear clothes like the ones Manaka wears.
M: Will I wear Yuuka’s clothes as well?
- Yes, you will.
M: Eehh! I kind of hate it! (laughs)
- Please don’t hate it so suddenly (laughs). Well, let’s do “Shida Manaka and Sugai Yuuka’s 1-day exchange” corner next year!

Shida Manaka, born on November 23, 1998, from Niigata Prefecture. Shidafukin, a traveller that drifts into the idol world, loves freedom and rock music. Nickname “Manaka”.
Sugai Yuuka, born on November 29, 1995, from Tokyo Prefecture. Mirco Demuro of Keyakizaka, that is trusted with the reins of a vicious horse group. Nickname “Yukka”.
*note: big thanks to Tofu & Seri for the QC :))


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