The gap between her 20-year-old self she once imagined of and her 20-year-old self in reality makes her feel disappointed. More or less, everyone feels the same way. So, the future will change depends on whether she rejects it or sees it as an aspiration.


She has been already mature since she was a teenager. Quiet, and less talk. Therefore, our first impression towards her was “humble”. However, the more we watch her activity, the more we understand that she is “action before words” type of person, who keeps her determination inside and transfers it into action. Moreover, as the years pass by, and she is getting more experiences, her speech and conduct become more visible, like she already broke the shell that kept her invisible until now. And there Risa Watanabe is… longing for further growth when she approached 20.

- Risa-san, what is big turning point during 20 years of your life? One thing apart from becoming member of Keyakizaka46…

Risa: Hmm… there are many things, but maybe joining volleyball club in the middle school. In my middle school, we’d have to join at least one club, that’s why I started playing volleyball, but instead of being taught the volleyball techniques, we had been taught the importance of human relationship and manners, mostly we had been taught about things we’re supposed to know in our life. That kind of thought, still remains in my heart even now. 

- So, you had been mentally trained, and been taught the important things you’re supposed to know as human, is that correct? For some reason, do you think yourself as hate-to-lose person?

Risa: Hmm, maybe I don’t have any thought like “I don’t want to lose to other”. But perhaps I should say that I don’t want to lose to myself.

- It’s really great to have that kind of thought in such young age. Because, usually teenagers and people in early 20s tend to blame another person and society. 

Risa: I never really thought about that, I don’t have any clue why people think that way… whenever I can’t do something, I think that it’s my own fault. So it’s really frustrating if there’s something I can’t do.

- That logic is really to the point. Perhaps it’s kind of exaggeration if I say that that kind of thought is sort of philosophical or aesthetic, but what is exactly thing that shape the present Risa Watanabe? Is there any person or culture that influence you?

Risa: Eee, I wonder… (thinking for a while) Hmm, maybe I haven’t met that kind of existence yet. I haven’t found something that makes me able to say “This is the one!”, even though I try to think about it. Maybe I already did, but I myself haven’t realized it yet…

- Is there any influence from your friends? 

Risa: Ah, it is (laugh). I have one bestie, if we have free time, I will meet and talk to her, we will hang out together, she is very important to me. I met her for the first time in the mid-school volleyball club, we were not really close back then. But, we attended the same high school… we went to school together, we got closer, and we became best friends. She is really reliable, she can notice something that I even can’t, like “Ah, so there is that kind of perspective!”, I always discover something new every time we meet, she always makes me realize something. That’s why, even though we are of the same age, I really admire her as human.

- I think having best friend that you can admire means a lot to you that can’t even be described in words. Actually, fellow member Nagahama-san said, “I really admire Risa who never lost a sight of anything at any moment”. By the way, what kind of person is Nagahama-san, that is of the same age as you, in your perspective?

Risa: I really admire Neru too. Among Keyaki’s members, she is always busy especially with her job outside Keyaki, however she always pays attention to people around her, she always notices even the small changes. I think Neru is strong. 

- Nagahama-san really wanted to become 20 immediately since she was a teenager, she even said “I’m finally 20” on her birthday . The moment you turned into 20, what did you think? What did you feel? 

Risa: On my birthday? What did I do again…? However, I also want to become 25 immediately, just like Neru wanted to become 20 (laugh). I never thought “I want to become teenager forever”, so I didn’t consider turning into 20 as something special. It only feels “Ah, I’m another year older”.

- I see, by the way, why do you want to become 25 immediately?

Risa: Because I want to become a real adult. 20yo person is already an adult from society perspective, but I think we’re not really adult… Everyone often says that when we’re elementary or mid-school students, 20yo person looks very mature, but when I turned into 20 myself, I’m still a child, nothing changes. That’s why I want to see myself as real adult immediately. 

- I will ask you something about that. How is your image of ideal adult woman? Or, what kind of woman do you consider as adult?

Risa: Hmm… people who enjoying their life. People who doing their job well, and taking a break as well, I really admire adults that have some time to spare. But, if we can live our life to the fullest everyday, I think it will be so much fun, so at first maybe I will start from cherishing every single day. 

- Why do you portray 25yo women as lively people who live their life to the fullest?

Risa: Because I imagine people in that age start to prepare how to face life in their 30s, so I think they are more mature than 20yo me. I want to immediately start that kind of preparation too. 

- Meanwhile, Nagahama-san said “I want to become 40 immediately” (laugh). Is it because both of you experienced working together with wonderful adults?

Risa: Ah, it might be correct. Araki Yuko-san who always helps me in modelling job is also 25, so maybe she became one of my indicators. 

- I see. Okay, with that kind of perspective, how is your ideal “adult love” and “adult date”?

Risa: Adult love…? Maybe I got too much influence from drama, but when I watch “Chuugakusei Nikki”, I think the relationship between the protagonist Hijiri-chan’s ex-fiance and his boss played by Yoshida Yo-san is very interesting. I always laugh every time I watch it. A man that is always being abused by his reliable senior, that kind of composition somehow makes me think, “Ah this is adult love”. But it’s not like I want to abuse someone (laugh). However, if there is love relationship between boss and subordinate in the same company, somehow it sounds interesting. Though it seems so complicated if it really happens in the real life… 

- That’s right (laugh). However, Yoshida Yo-san is certainly a wonderful person, both as an actress and adult woman. 

Risa: I really like her. She is not only beautiful, but also cool. How should I put it… my image of “a complete adult woman” is someone like Yoshida Yo-san.

- So, she is sort of your ideal image. Okay, let’s talk about real life, what kind of adult do you want to be in the future? Use your imagination, and imagine how you see yourself in 2-3 years. 

Risa: Okay… I want to work. Then, what kind of work I want to do… basically I want to do kind of works where I can move my body.

- In short… you want to do active works, is that correct? 

Risa: I want to work while searching for a hobby, and then devoting myself into it… I want to try that kind of life too. For example, I want to attend cooking class, and meet something that somehow I can be enthusiastic about. There are adults who are always enthusiastic about their hobbies no matter how old they are, I think they are so wonderful, I want to be that kind of adult too in the future. 

- I think it’s really a wonderful guideline. Okay, let’s back to the topic, is there something you want to do when you’re still 20? For example, something big like “climbing Mt. Fuji” is okay, or something more familiar is also okay. 

Risa: When I’m still 20… I want to challenge myself by doing something I want to do while fully enjoying the pleasure of this age. When we were doing photoshoot just now, I could see Mt. Fuji, and suddenly I want to climb it, so I think climbing Mt.Fuji is not a bad idea.

- Ah, I see! Today, I didn’t realize at all that we could see Mt.Fuji from this neighborhood, it was a random example though. 

Risa: I could see it! That’s why it caught my eyes (laugh).

- However, you became able to clearly say what you think year after year. In our interview before, you also said “I want to do radio job”, then you got chance to fill the position of “School of Lock” personality as Hirate Yurina-san’s pinch hitter. What on earth is this change of mind? 

Risa: Up until now, even though I want to do this, I want to do that, I don’t say what I think very much. Though I think “action before words” is way cooler (laugh). However, I finally realized in this past year that saying what I think would be a benefit. I feel that it might be better to say what I think particularly in this work. So, I think maybe it’s okay to say what I want to someone around me even it’s only a little bit. From now on, I hope I can be more greedy like that, even though it’s only little by little.

Using words “only a little bit”, “little by little” is indeed reflecting her humble personality. Meanwhile, from this one phrase “greedy”, it can be perceived that her sense of responsibility and confidence that were born from standing at the front row in 2 consecutive singles, are certainly being her flesh and blood now. And her desire to immediately become an adult perhaps is the embodiment of her thought that wants to have stronger mental and more capacity to carry the group… maybe we are reading her mind little too much. However, we cannot help but to feel her high potential and room for growth from her every single word, once again it is the reality. Anyway, it cannot be denied that we should pay attention to the evolution of Risa Watanabe in the future.


*sorry for my bad English


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